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2023/24 SEP National Intellectual Property Awards

The Student Enterprise Programme is delighted to announce that we will once again be awarding three prizes in the area of Intellectual Property at the National SEP Final in May 2024.

The awards are kindly sponsored by The Intellectual Property Office of Ireland and are open only to students taking part in the National Final 2024.

Students will be judged on their understanding of the area of IP for business and how they considered the various IP issues in relation to their own student enterprises. For example, how a team researched the uniqueness of their brand, identified IP rights owned by others that they need to request permission for,  and if and how they have looked into how to protect their own IP for their student enterprise.

Award Categories

  • Intellectual Property Award (Junior Category)             €200 voucher + trophy + cert
  • Intellectual Property Award (Intermediate Category) €300 voucher + trophy + cert
  • Intellectual Property Award (Senior Category)             €500 voucher + trophy + cert

How to Enter

Senior Category: Students should include a section on Intellectual Property in their business report submitted for the National Final.

Junior & Intermediate Categories: To enter, students should include a section on Intellectual Property as a one page appendix to their business poster submitted for the National Final.

All entries should be submitted to our National Co-ordinator by the Local SEP Co-ordinator in your region.